Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Melvyn the Bored- Northern lights

In the land of the north wind, and long snow filled gloom,
when the sun rises and sets each side of noon.
Around the fires of the long houses they sit and tell tales.
They retell Sagas and stories of long boats and sails
of times long gone when spirits took on solid form
in the grand hall of Valhalla all cosy and warm.

Of Odin, his throne and of the hammer of Thor
Of Tyr’s sword and armour the great god of war
When Huginn and Muninn Odin’s great ravens soared
And the naughty step for Melvyn the bored.

In the school for the gods where knowledge was told
Apprentices learnt from magicians so old
That spoke in soft words with monotonous drone
The pupils would nod off and distraction were prone

In reception class seven poor Melvyn stayed
For in none of the exams a good score he made
So in the same class he is destined to remain
Listening to the same lessons again and again
As the teacher talked on in his most boring style
Melvyn in a miasma slipped out for a while

Huginn and Muninn the messenger of Odin followed on to see what trouble Melvyn would get up to this time. They should of told Odin of his escape from school but Melvyn was a kindly child that stroked Huginn’s rough beak and smoothed his course feather for Huginn was such a scruffy bird. Muninn also thought kindly of Melvyn for he loved to listen to Muninn’s songs and loved the sound of his raucous shrill voice

down to the isle of Orkney he went
to the old isle of Hoy where good times are spent
snuggled in a sea cave feeling content
alas was a cave, fisher folk would frequent

on hearing the fisher folk approaching quite near
he hid in a crevice and stifled his fear
for the fisher folk were cut-throats and exceedingly queer
grumpy and bad tempered this time of the year

I hate the winter with cold and frostbite
long hours of darkness of long winter night
it's hard catching fish when there's no light
and there's only a few nights to fish by moonlight

Melvyn the Bored his mission was clear
To help the poor fishermen with customs so queen
To the magnetic north he’d go when it's all clear
Maybe make the earth turn slowly  extending the year

Melvyn the bored well out of his stride
Tinkered and fiddled and botched things beside
he dropped a tool ,and when it, and the machinery collide
Bright flashes soon lit up the sky far and wide
Amazed islanders “tis light” they all cried

Melvyn’s chard body a smoulder
Saw the bright light over his shoulder
thought he'd best leg it if he wants to get older
the light might upset Tyr or Balder

Back on Hoy to his delight
The islanders loved these Northern lights
The sailors tell of them where ever they went
at least some one was happy or even content

Odin was not, and in a rage would bellow
bring me the head of the troublesome fellow
that set the earth wobble and turn darkness mellow
Loki god of mischief and fire a frost giant bedfellow
liked the new colour that he called yellow

Frigga suspected it was Melvyn's doing
with the works of the earth he had been screwing
all out of balance which needed redoing
so gave the south the light that they were viewing

Odin decreed and so it was done
a light in the south not a bright as the sun
it seemed to please most, if not everyone
of Melvyn, the gods he could not outrun
they caught him and beat him, one by one

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