Monday, 28 October 2019

sword in the stone

Fed up of warring parties
with the outcome unknown
they thought they'd get a leader
by a sword stuck in a stone

whom soever pulls the sword
or words to that effect
will be the rightful prime minister
a dude with some respect

so came Boris the blue knight
he pulled with so much gusto
confused he couldn't move it
it was was in his manifesto

step aside said Jeremy
I'll take my rightful place
tripping on his lying cloak
and falling on his face

Jo the yellow of two face
sensing it is her day
not knowing what face to follow
completely walked away

Nige the pint and fag man
that speaks as people feel
found he couldn't touch the sword
not being Sheffield steel

then they looked for the rule book
as is their tradition
to see if dynamiting was
in terms and conditions

and while they argued over rules
that only they could see
the people lived a blissful life
in perfect anarchy

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