Monday, 28 October 2019

Noah's ark

Wake up wake up Noah
it's me your one true God
I told you to build an ark
where is it you lazy sod

It's not my fault cried Noah
there has been some confusion
I can not build an ark
without the ship builders union

and although they have seen the plans
not all of it they like
and as I can't amend them
They've buggered off on strike

then there was the visit from
the coastguard agency
that asked what I would eat
when I was at sea

well we couldn't eat the passengers
and we've no vegetarian dish
so obviously we would dine
on nothing else but fish

But he said if we catch fish
we should have registration
marking and carving note
to comply with regulation

but I haven't built the ark
and therefore not fit for sea
he can't do the measurements
or check lettering for me

as I have no marking note
no licence can I get
the bank wont lend the money
so there's no funding yet

I know the ark was your idea
and I think idea is grand
but life would be much simpler
if we bought one second hand

I had planned to flood the world
with thunder rain and storming
luckily I've a back up plan
and I'll go with global warming.

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