Wednesday, 29 July 2020

buying Britain

Kraft Heinz wants to expand
and gobble up the opposition
not for commercial reasons
but US tax imposition
it is cheaper to buy a company
than to pay your tax
so with Unilever in their sights
they are beginning their attacks

does it matter who owns a company?
does it matter who is the boss?
most low paid workers
really can't give a toss
but still they have employment
holiday and sick pay
American companies don't like unions
and sweep workers rights away

Kraft last bought out Cadbury
and promised little change
but they closed down factories
and ingredients changed
the creme egg is too sticky sweet
the chocolate lost its bite
it wasn't a gradual process
it happened over night

come on British Government
show us that you care
safeguard against monopolies
owned by over there
stick up for British companies
let British business rule
don't sacrifice good British jobs
as a Trump charm bargaining tool

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