Sunday, 19 January 2020

the salt

Salt is important, and sits in an important position, on the dinning room table. Salt is so valuable, that people are judge where they sit in relation to the salt. Above the salt you are important, below the salt worthless. The salt is kept in an elaborate shaker commensurate with it’s prestige.

The pepper, envious, told the salt it is only important in the dinning room. There are other important rooms the salt never goes. Did the salt want free access to all rooms or just be stuck on a dinning room table?

The salt believed it was better than other condiments. thus should have free access to the whole house, and demanded to be released from the table, to explore all other rooms and spaces, because it was salt.

The butler carried the salt to all rooms.

The kitchen was not interested because it had cooking salt in a salt pig.

The sitting room had no use for salt.

The bedrooms had no use for salt.

The bathroom used salt, but only a special product called bath salt, so had no need for table salt.

The garage, conservatory, scullery, and hallway had no need for the salt.

The boot room said they could use the salt to kill slugs and snails that tried to enter, so the salt was left there.

In time the holes on the shaker corroded and blocked due to the damp. the salt itself became damp and unusable, so was thrown out.

On the way to the bin, the salt noticed, a salt grinder and pepper grinders, in prominent positions, on the dinning table, in the warm dry dinning room. The salt grinder was filled with cooking salt.

Be careful what you wish for it may come true!

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