Monday, 30 December 2019

Melvyn the bored - float

Around the fires of the long houses the people of the North sit and tell tales. While outside the winds blew and soft snow fell, for the nights were long and the sun low and lazy only rising and setting each side of noon. They told Sagas and stories of times long gone when spirits took on solid form in the grand hall of Valhalla.
Of Odin, his throne and of the hammer of Thor
Of Tyr’s sword and armour the great god of war
When bad tempered magicians offer a reward
For those that play truant like Melvyn the bored.

In the school for the gods where knowledge was told
Apprentices learnt from magicians so old
That spoke in soft words with monotonous drone
The pupils would nod off and distraction were prone

In reception class seven poor Melvyn stayed
For in none of the exams a good score he made
So in the same class he is destined to remain
Listening to the same lessons again and again
As the teacher talked on in his most boring style
Melvyn in a miasma slipped out for a while
Huginn and Muninn the messenger of Odin followed on to see what trouble Melvyn would get up to this time. They should of told Odin of his escape from school but Melvyn was a kindly child that stroked Huginn’s rough beak and smoothed his course feather for Huginn was such a scruffy bird. Muninn also thought kindly of Melvyn for he loved to listen to Muninn’s songs and loved the sound of his raucous shrill voice

Melvyn the bored looking out to sea
Saw a young child in great difficulty
Nothing in those days would actually float
No one had invented a ship or a boat

Save the young child” Huginn did cry,” you don’t want the poor creature to die.” “Oh no cried Muninn at this dangerous hour time to give Melvyn a little more power. So beating their wings power pushed down so Melvyn would stop the poor creature drown

Melvyn stood up feeling more power rush in
But what could he do, he could not swim
So he parted the water with a sweep of his hands
Leaving dry land just where he stands
So walking out deeper pushing the water aside
He grabbed the young creature before it died
And walked back to dry land brimming with pride

Then he wondered and looked out on the sea
Nothing stayed on the top of the sea, why should that be
If he found a way to reduce gravity
Things would then float on the top of the sea
And not sink to the bottom like heavy debris

Then lying on the ground he saw a stout pole
Made like all seams of black ugly coal
And thought if he only could
Take out the gravity and leaving just wood
Then it would float up on the sea
Without the black stuff of gravity

And so Melvyn cast a spell that all the coal seams would loose their gravity. As the gravity sank to the bottom of the sea, all the seams turned to wood, and grew tall and straight as high as they could. Wood that was growing had many leaves so Melvyn decided to call them all trees.

Melvyn was feeling smug and quite at ease
But was summoned to the gods who were really displeased

In the great throne room Odin sat with all the gods either side. All faces looked at Melvyn very few were friendly many with frowns fiddling in pockets in the hem of their gowns. Gay happy Melvyn was becoming quite down

Melvyn you fool can you not see
The predicament you have placed me

Humans are not stupid or as stupid as you
They will build boats and fill them with crew
Crew of the fiercest ugliest sort
That pillages and plunders for pleasure and sport
They will form Navies have battles at sea
Disturbing Aegirs’ peace and tranquillity

That’s bad enough but even more dire
This wood stuff will burn giving humans fire

Melvyn thought and argued his case
Boats will hunt fish not our sacred place
Will spend time afloat working as a team
The roads of the world would be kept to a stream

But what about fire Thor spoke in alarm
Fire is hot, humans may come to harm
They will not find a use for fire you’ll see
It will not change a thing, I can guarantee”
Said Melvyn the bored” “you can trust me

Then Odin spoke with his haunting refrain
From the stuff you call wood we have fashioned a cane
So the teachers can beat you again and again
Thus the making of wood brought with it much pain

Friday, 27 December 2019

sitting in the liferaft

Sitting in the life raft
cold and all alone
seasick and dejected
no radio or phone

one red flare has been fired

it went up OK
but was any body watching
at the closing of the day

will I die slowly of hypothermia

or will I rapidly drown
offshore where Coastguard stations
for efficiency are closed down

we must rely on the general public

not glued to their phone
to cast an eye out to sea
exploring the great unknown

a fishing boat might see me

if not tied to the quay
due to fishing quotas
they spend so little time at sea

once there was a coastal fleet

scurrying about
now there are container ships
too equipped to look out

but in the numerous old peoples home

infirm look out wistfully
who will believe the garbled report
mumbled incoherently


My New Year resolution
also concern you
Reduce the household grot
with grooming to do
So trusting mutt of mine,
come here at the rush
And make the acquaintance
of the grooming brush
I’ll free all the tangles
unhinge the muddy ball
In a couple of hours
you’ll be the finest dog of all
I seem to have broken a rusty comb
and the odd bush or two
Yet I can’t see the difference
in a scruffy dog like you
I think its time you had a bath
to loosen up the hair
It’s all for the best you know,
you can tell I really care
You ran off two hours ago
and still have not returned
I promise I’ll not try again
the grooming kit I burned 

Thursday, 26 December 2019

an apple

My love gave me an apple
glossy red and bright
known for my impatience
I had to take a bite
the apple was so tasty
I savoured with a grin
the remaining part of the apple
had half a maggot in

new year mail

Do I need car insurance?
Or house and contents cover
They also have some natural pills
To make me a better lover
As I turn the heating up
The weather has a chill
Holiday brochures of the sun
At half my heating bill
Do in need a new ringtone?
Or new model mobile phone
So they mail shot you direct
And not leave you alone
You can have a saucepan
With matching see through top
If you buy from a catalogue
Your friendly postal shop
A commercial seed catalogue
With bulbs and flowering plants
With non organic solutions
For slugs snails and ants
A brand new detox solution
 And a diet that keeps you thin
Are the first gifts of the New Year
For my recycle bin

TV gardening

like Gardeners on the TV
let the Feng Shui flow
don't plant haphazardly
but what you think will grow

they never have a slug attack
or dandelion setting seed
never troubled with aching back
ground elder or bind weed

their gardens are always neat
much better than you can do
with decking slabs and concrete
and a ten man garden crew

Tuesday, 24 December 2019


His pictures were vibrant
the colours bright and gay
a lightness came into art
the day she came his way

she offered to pose for him
dressed or in the nude
but her beauty was perfect
and his artistry too crude

so from her perfect form
he used as inspiration
to paint impressive flowers
which became a sensation

then alas her life cut short
by a drunkard behind the wheel
so he resorted to painting
with an emotion he can feel

first it was in shades of grey
growing deeper and intense
until he only painted black
his depression so immense

he paints for hours the petal forms
with patient dexterity
layers of black laid on black
a black canvas is all you see


They held her hands gently
as she passed away
then wept uncontrollably
with no prayer to say
just nodded to the parents
trying hard to cope
they gave her the candle
and she called the candle hope

she weakened and sickened
just like others in the camp
in their makeshift tents and shelter
constantly cold and damp
as a nurse she carried on
as if sickness didn't matter
now that every time she coughs
she noticed the blood splatter

they sent her home for treatment
nurses wept and said goodbye
they smiled with comforting words
knowing she's going to die
she held on to the candle
and she held on tight
with a failure of modern medicine
it was her comforter in the night

they put her in ward twenty two
her parents came to see
their daughter who was twenty two
would not make twenty three
she asked them to light the candle
when she passed away
and think of her and a girl called Hope
at the ending of the day

They asked the hospital management
if the wishes they could comply
and the Hospital called the media
to tell them the reason why
the at eleven in the evening
the hospital lights went out
the warming glow of the candle
brightly shone about

in every hospital window
was a candle on display
for a selfless aid worker
that sadly passed away
on the local radio station
silence filled the air
and a candle burnt in every house
to show the world they care


Christmas is a humbug
it brings such misery
but I spotted a present with my name
under the Christmas tree
a present for me oh what joy
to open can hardly wait
It's a hand printed blue tee shirt
with do not resuscitate

Saturday, 21 December 2019

Christmas wish

Yo ho ho said Santa
to the poor boy on his knee
what shall we bring to you
whisper it to me

I want my mum to be healthy
go to work and be able
to stay fit for a working day
to put food on the table

I want to have some heating
affordable for us all
with out a rip off meter
that eats money on the wall

decent rented housing
would certainly lift the gloom
as long as we aren't penalised
for an extra room

I would like some open spaces
where I can safely play
and my dad to earn every year
what a banker earns a day

Christmas day

Children up so early
Stockings on the floor
Heading for the Christmas tree
To open up some more
Roast is in the oven
Sweet packets open wide
Crackers on the table
With silly jokes inside

Family are on the phone
Wishing all goes well
People knocking on the door
With nothing they must sell
A Candle in the window
Reminding constantly
Of prisoners of conscience
Exposed by Amnesty

Christmas on the telly

Christmas on the telly
Repeats repeats and soaps
Then the Queen at three o’clock
With her ray of hope
Frequent weather presenters slots
With the snow obsession
Following the national news
With talk of world recession
Reporters on the pavements
With microphone held tight
Interviewing winter shoppers
That camped out all night
Adverts about winter flu
And the ticklish cough
It’s Adverts about Brussels sprouts
That makes you turn it off?

instruction elf

Santa’s instruction elf
Is in prolonged detention
For the naughty un Christmas words
That he should not mention

He talked about a battery
Which of course is not included
And talked about a warranty
That should of only been eluded

He talked about a diagram
Of the assembly plan
Encrypted and confusing
To a male attention span

He talk about a refund
And money back guarantee
Letting slip a return address
That makes postage free

Santa who wants no complaints
In to exile is forced
Alone and in hiding
Now his Elves have been outsourced

Coasties festive thoughts

It is the festive season
Peace and quiet at last
Time to think of reasons
For casualties in the past
The boxes it’s time to tick
Of breakdown and mistake
The casualties you called a prick
And cried “for heavens sake”
Time to write a letter
All part of the work
Hoping they are better
The misguided senseless burk
Time for all teams to wind down
So few people facing harm
Hoping no one else will drown
Just the battery low alarm
With oven full of roasting bird
Friends and families near
Is that a naughty little word
When the pager you can hear

battery elf

Tis the night before Christmas
All toys are on the shelf
For the last and final check
By the battery elf
He’ll take out all the batteries
And mix up all instructions
So on Christmas day they can
Watch the toys destruction.
They’ll watch the parents running
To their local store
With flattened leaking batteries
Trying to buy some more
Watching the planned confusion
Brings such warm delights
Next year he’ll get promotion
To fixing fairy lights

ad man Christmas

Christmas on the telly
That the ad men display
Have children who are courteous
And their parents will obey
Early morning in the bedroom
will joyous shriek ‘es been
surrounded in wrapping paper
like a CSI crime scene
before Christmas dinner
they’ll not pig out on sweets
eat everything on their plates
thinking Brussels sprouts a treat
mum is always smiling
dad silent and strong
how come those clever ad men
got Christmas day so wrong

December on the croft

The farming year is full of woe
With setback and reverse
You can’t afford the ills we have
Now comes blue tongue curse

The DEFRA yearly survey
That tumbles through the door
You see your well tended stock
is less than the year before

Chickens scratching up the land
Treasure seeking lot
Very few now lay an egg
And too thin for the pot

Poultry is a mugs game
But one day could be a winner
When Delia does a recipe
For roast fox Christmas dinner

Christmas shopping

It’s time for Christmas shopping
The Metro Centre calls
With bargains that cost a fortune
And pipe music that galls
All that gaudy Christmas tinsel
And fairy lights to please
Shopping for just two presents
By yourself would be a breeze

But you have to visit every shop
That have bargains galore
You still have not found those gifts
But have bought twenty more
She holds up a flowing dress
“Well what do you think”
you’d love to tell her honestly
but a coward without a drink

The cost is rapidly rising
For tack shipped in from china
The credit card is looking sick
With money flow angina
Your stomach thinks the throat is cut
For a coffee fix you’re craving
You’ve spent way over your budget
On what she calls prudent saving

Friday, 20 December 2019

the long and short of it

We note ages for many reasons. Twenty-one was once significant as was thirteen, but sadly no longer. At twelve, even though you were at secondary school whether it be grammar, technical or secondary modern, you were expected to wear shorts. Long trousers were for thirteen-year-olds and over. Overnight you changed from boy to man regardless of how advanced your hormones were. Facial hair with shorts was as common as a squeaky voice in long trousers. This change to manhood was memorable.
At twelve you played rough and tumble, climbed trees. played war, pirates, Cowboys and Indians, and even doctors and nurses if the only play friend was a girl. For some reason girls did not play war. At thirteen you had hobbies or went fishing. That was a shock.
With shorts you had dirty knees that needed to be washed before school next day. The washing of the knees was a nightly ritual in front of the fire except for Sunday. That was bath night. To wash knees you needed a basin of hot water, soap (carbolic or stronger) and a flannel, normally slimy with a unique unpleasant smell. My mother placed the bowl at my feet but washed the face and neck first. This washing had to be vigorous and roughly done to prize dirt from the Dermis or deeper, especially behind the ears where no dirt existed. With soap drying on the face the legs and feet were eventually washed, after which the flannel was rinsed. The interval between rinsing and drying of the skin was extended to ensure the skin became painful by a process called chapping. Long trousers thankfully ended knee washing.
Long trousers brought in sloppy socks. In shorts you wore long socks. They had to be kept up at all costs. To keep socks up circulation was restricted by strong elastic bands ,which were placed below the knee and the top of the socks folded over. Socks were thus kept neat, straight, and level unless you moved. Woollen socks are gravity fed, as soon as they are pulled up they struggle to reach the ground as quickly as possible. Below the long trousers scruffy socks languished at the ankle.
The purchase of the longs was a ceremony. The tailor complete with tape measure steered you toward rolls of material before realising your parents could not afford anything that fitted properly. At the Off the Peg rack they selected the appropriate grey to wear. Once the grey was selected, not too bright not to dark, with an ability to fix grass stains permanently, the measurements were taken. The tape was passed around the waist, then outside of the leg. The tailor indicated he would take the sensitive inside leg measurement with an embarrassed clearing of the throat. He enquired what side I dressed, this was imperative for a good fit. To this day I have never seen trousers marked 36W – 29L right or left. So has the wrong-sided trouser curbed my development? Once measurements had been taken, you were handed a pair of trousers you could grow into. In lay terms, didn’t fit, too long, too slack, that needed to be taken up. All Trousers had turn-ups. The tailor pined the fabric where a neat stitch or two could shorten them and be able to let down at a later stage. The implication of the pinning was that trousers would last, were not played football in, or cycled in, or trees climbed.
No consideration was taken for status. In shorts those in longs bullied you. Once in longs you had to establish your position in the pecking order. This meant fights and holes in the knees, so much for room to grow into.
There was another downside to long trousers, they had to be pressed. Pressing with a damp cloth was as near as they got to a cleaning. Steam forcing through the fabric plastered a pungent latrinal aroma to the ironing board. Thus trousers were always the last articles to be ironed.
Wearing trousers came with little rituals. A single crease down the front, tramlines was very non-you. To sit you gripped the crease and pulled trousers up to stop bagging in the knee area. This sound logical manoeuvre strictly adhered to did nothing to avoid knee bagging or stretching of the fabric.

Within three years I had mastered long trousers, just in time to be sent to the Far East and plunged back into Naval shorts and gravitational socks


I remember seeing a film about the coming of the waltz. There was a lot of concern about its decadence and vulgarity. So things were looking up when the head teacher announced that the fourth year would be getting dance lessons and there would be a Christmas dance with the fourth year of the girls school.
Dance is not just a convenient way to meet people but has many social conventions, or so the Art teacher said. The art teacher was charged with teaching the fourth year boys how to dance. It was then that I had my doubts as the art teacher, Mr. Williams, also taught religious studies. I decided to take things into my own hands.
I had passed the Dana School of dancing many times, but never saw anyone go in or come out. I knocked on the door. There was no answer. I could hear music so knocked again very loud. There was still no answer. I opened the door and walked in. A bell rang activated by the opening of the door. The room looked like a changing room, a long bench down one side with pegs above. At the end was a peg in use, the clothes were male. Maybe I wasn’t that odd after all. At the end of the room was a double half glass door, from where the music was coming. I opened them. The room beyond was a large wooden dance area. Two people were dancing, a generously built woman and John Worthington. They finished their routine before she came over to talk to me. Every evening they held a group dance session, seniors, general dance and youth nights. This was complimented by private dance lessons. I took the details and the price list to think it over.
Next day I found John in the playground and asked about the dancing. Allegedly it was better than rugby, and he should know he was our scrum half. What was good enough for a scrum half must be good enough for a Prop forward. I was still not quite convinced about the dance school after all it did clash with Judo nights. One lesson at school convinced me that relying on the Mr. Williams was not an option.
According to Williams, dance has a social purpose. What, he never said. People go to dances to dance. When you ask some one to dance, it is convention to accept. Refusal is considered bad mannered. A young man will not get a refusal to dance. There is no reason why a man should not ask a woman to dance, no harm can come from it. The next thing we had to do was select which was to be the male and female partner, and watch the steps he demonstrated. The first dance he taught was the Gay Gordon. At the end of the lesson I asked Williams what dances he would be teaching. He was going to teach the important and useful dances, these included the Gay Gordon, the military two step, the Saint Bernard’s waltz. He expected us to pick up the hokey cokey and the conga in our own time. It was obvious I would need help.

As if preordained Judo venue and nights were changed to Tuesday and Thursday. Rugby training was now Monday nights. This left Wednesday and Friday for dancing lessons. I enrolled at the Dana School of dancing.
The senior-dancing tutor was Mrs Carpenter. She was the only dancing tutor, thus had to dance male and female parts.
The first dance of choice was the waltz, straight in at the decadent deep end. Her generous proportions surrounded me, I could see why it caused so much anguish and pleasure. I completed the standard ten introductory lessons, which gave me the basic steps of most modern ballroom dances. It was suggested I attended the Friday night general youth dancing for those 16 and under. I was a bit nervous about exposing my lack of skill so checked if John Worthington would be there. To my relief he said he would, never miss a Friday night, it was well worth going to. I was the sixth boy; there were four times as many girls. These were my kind of statistics. The bonus was Cherida Crombie, a fourteen year old Sophia Loren look-a-like with a west midland accent. I asked her to dance, the waltz. It was beyond my wildest expectation, I was so engrossed, decadently, that I lost control of the feet. She expressed her misgivings about my clumsiness not too quietly and in a language I thought to be the domain of the Rugby field. She made sure we never danced together again. There were others luckily.
I had enrolled for more lessons and was well on the way to a bronze certificate. By the time of the school dance I was ready for anything.
I expected subdued lighting, a rotating mirror ball, even the odd balloon, but this was the school dance in the gym. Wall bars, bright lights, and nowhere to sit. The decadence police complete with cane patrolled to ensure that you could safely pass the encyclopedic Britannica between partners.
The first dance was the Gay Gordon. On completion the Domestic science teacher stormed the stage with her collection of records and took control. From then on all dances were the twist, a new dance she demonstrated from the stage. If she could twist any one could. I saw what she meant, she was an ample woman, and when she moved large amounts of flesh moved in differing directions. It wouldn’t be allowed today, health and safety issue.
We danced in full light miles apart doing our own thing to pop music. I wondered why I had to ask the girl to dance we couldn’t talk or touch. Eventually it was announced the next dance would be the last. That was bound to be the waltz, I selected my partner and joined the rest of the dancers in the, conga.
Over the next few years all the dance halls disappeared. Today the only time anyone dances are at discos in Costa del cockney on holiday. Some weddings and special occasion events hold discos but here line-dancing rules, they are a bit like the minuet on speed.
The days of Ballroom dancing have sadly gone. So has holding a partner in your arms, close enough to smell the perfume. Moving in unison in time with the music. Whispering gently into your partner’s ear, mind my toes you clod hopping idiot.

Monday, 16 December 2019

the hand

The hand that would caress her
and brush away a tear
the hand forever comforting
soothing in her fear
the hand hard worked and toiling
browned by mid day sun
the hand that held her close and tight
when nowhere else to run

the fingers still and cold as ice
uncovered in the trench
out stretched amidst the bodies
cloaked in rotting stench
the sound a faintest whimper
with sharp intake of breath
alerted the passing soldiers
that led to her death

the pistol held behind the head
Its trigger pulled so slow
the sound of the bullet shot
her brain would never know
another senseless murder
the soldier didn't mind
a death so quick and painless
in Syria is thought as kind

Thursday, 12 December 2019


The emperor was told that he had the world's finest cheese in his empire.

He called for the Chamberlain and told him to get some.
The Chamberlain went to the wise man.
The wise man told him a man called Huo made the best cheese in the empire and he lived somewhere up north in a remote hill top farm.
Next day the chamberlain set off to find the cheese ,with a large sack of gold, and something to bring the cheese back in.
After months of travel he found the village, and the head man said he would lead him to Huo's farm.

After a short formal greeting the Chamberlain asked to buy some cheese. Huo said he had no cheese for sale. Did he have any cheese? Huo said he had, but it was not for sale. He only made cheese for friends, and family, for special occasions. The cheese he has is for his grand daughters twelfth birthday. The chamberlain said he will buy the cheese and offered a quarter of the gold he was given. Huo refused to sell.
The Chamberlain said the cheese was for the Emperor, that rules the whole of the empire, including Huo's farm. If he would not sell then they would take the cheese, Huo's farm, and kill his livestock.
Huo gave him the cheese. The Chamberlain offered to pay him for it, but Huo refused the gold , saying he never dealt with thieves, even imperial ones.

The Chamberlain put the cheese in a red silk bag. The bag had Gold cord drawstrings and the imperial crest in gold. He placed the bag in a solid gold box, encrusted of rubies and emeralds. The box was placed in an ebony and ivory carrying case, and this was placed in a teak carriage trunk.

On the way back to the Emperor, the Chamberlain had the teak trunk engraved with depictions of his epic journey. which did not show where Huo's farm was, or the hills around the village.

The Emperor thanked the Chamberlain and said he would reward him in the morning.
That night the Chamberlain died, from a fever he encountered on his epic trip. The Chamberlain had no close next of kin, so all the money he stole from the Emperor was returned to the treasury.

The Emperor wanted to taste the cheese but if he ate it, he would no longer own the tastiest cheese in the world. He had the travelling trunk, ebony and ivory carrying case, the gold jewel encrusted box, and the cheese in a silk bag walled up in a cave behind the waterfall. The Cheese continued to decay and rot.

Huo made another cheese for the birthday. All the village, friends, family, and loved ones were invited to the grand daughters twelfth birthday party. When the granddaughter was born she was a sickly child. The physician said she would not live long enough to celebrate a twelfth birthday.

Huo divided the cheese up equally so all would have a piece. He placed the portions in bamboo leafed baskets and handed them every one.
They were told to smell the cheese. The aroma of the cheese mingled with the blossoms and flowers of the garden. It smelt divine.
They were told to listen. The sound of the birds and bees filled their ears and aided memory.
They were told to look about them. They soaked up the beauty of the garden, the smiling faces of Huo and his family, and the bright healthy eyes of the granddaughter.
Then they were told to eat. They ate the finest most exquisite cheese they had ever tasted.

It is not the meal that matters but who you share it with. Merry Christmas

Thursday, 5 December 2019


the under pass is cold and dark
with urine down the wall
lights long since extinguished
hide artistic aerosol

surrounded by dog feces
in cardboard box called home
a veteran from the Falklands
with some battle scar syndrome

he lies terrified of the night
and fearful of the day
the nightmare and the daymares
will not fade away

a small boy brings a blanket
his sister brings some stew
and leave them where he can reach them
then bid a fond adieu

the police community special
gives failed humanity a kick
there is no responsive movement
and the mouth is full of sick

the inquest calls it a tragedy
but no one is to blame
politicians say it's awful
a pity and a shame

so who will get the medals
the Military and Victoria cross
belonging to that scrounging
homeless human dross

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Tory hunting the snark

The Boris was up front and blunt
you cowards he uttered with glee
I vanquished the usurper Hunt
so snark hunting you should follow me

the Gove was backward in glancing
the past was much better by far
said we should be cautious advancing
eating his Russian caviar

Sajid Javid once a banker
would finance the trip without debt
just like the two faced wanker
he's paid not a penny as yet

Dominic Raab in law was know to embark
world trade laws with the EU drafted
ideal crew for hunting the snark
with warped tangled web he had crafted

snarks are not in the Euro zone
so other countries they must try
travelling to other lands unknown
that good trade would imply

new countries they could trade with well
their most earnest of desire
great deals in trade they would compel
like the British empire did inspire

the trip was long and troubled
with mutinies and scheming
the spending sadly doubled
appearing more redeeming

to Trump they sought salvation
and trade a promising allusion
the terms had no deal trading nations
adding to bankers confusion

the snark had beat them to the states
and roamed freely at large
they lost principals and mates
for the snark was the Farage

Monday, 18 November 2019

black friday

Black Friday to cyber Monday
Spend daft Saturday buy crap Sunday
spend spend spend because you believe
there'll be nothing left by Christmas Eve?


looking behind the radiator
I got a pleasant shock
after fifteen bloody months
I found the other sock

at times I was despondent
almost in despair
one of twenty single socks
has just become a pair

Friday, 15 November 2019

friend request

on a social website
quite unexpectedly
I came across a profile
that could be seen publicly

I knew the name I knew the face
it stirred a memory
so I sent a friend request
far from confidently

surprisingly I had a reply
and she remembered me
she would accept my friend request
quite happily
and hoped I wasn't the annoying shit
that I use to be


they said that I would rot in hell
for my atheist belief
I'd suffer for eternity
with no respite of relief

so I googled trip adviser
not use to doing prayer
now I feel more confident
knowing no one has been there

pound shop

Off for Christmas shopping
the high street is where I'm bound
to find the shop of luxuries
that has everything for a pound

a hive of Christmas shoppers

queues are so intense
because they can't find a shop
that has all for fifty pence

great again?

Yes that land was great
nothing did it lack
they aimed high at the moon
and safely returned back

they had the best education
imagination soared
they fought for highest principals
at home and abroad

in war they were relentless
through heartbreak and toil
the aim had the highest value
of principals not oil

now big business runs the country
bigotry has free reign
the planet is another commodity
to barter and to gain

they hate foreign neighbours
although of foreign descent
how can you recover your greatness
when all self respect is spent