Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Melvyn the Bored - Colour - for children and not so young

In the land of the north wind, and long snow filled gloom,
when the sun rises and sets each side of noon.
Around the fires of the long houses they sit and tell tales.
They retell Sagas and stories of long boats and sails
of times long gone when spirits took on solid form
in the grand hall of Valhalla all cosy and warm.

Of Odin, his throne and of the hammer of Thor
Of Tyr’s sword and armour the great god of war
When Huginn and Muninn Odin’s great ravens soared
And the naughty step for Melvyn the bored.

In the school for the gods where knowledge was told
Apprentices learnt from magicians so old
That spoke in soft words with monotonous drone
The pupils would nod off and distraction were prone

In reception class seven poor Melvyn stayed
For in none of the exams a good score he made
So in the same class he is destined to remain
Listening to the same lessons again and again
As the teacher talked on in his most boring style
Melvyn in a miasma slipped out for a while
Huginn and Muninn the messenger of Odin followed on to see
what trouble Melvyn would get up to sat by the sea.
They should of told Odin of his escape from school
and breaking of the educational rule
but Melvyn was a kindly child that stroked Huginn’s rough cheek
and smoothed his course feathers too far from his beak
for Huginn was such a scruffy bird.
And being smart was completely absurd
Muninn also thought kindly of Melvyn could see nothing wrong
for he loved to listen to Muninn’s rough songs
and loved the sound of his raucous shrill voice
he was their pet not wisest of choice

The apprentice god Melvyn the bored
Hid in the cave while ravens soared
Looked on the world of black and white
Only colours made for day and night

In those bleak days of old there was no colour it had not been made 
everything was either black white or grey of some shade.
All were happy with that so there was no need to change anything, EVER
and no one was to change it, never, never, never

All were happy except one that was bored with day and night
Bored with grey and all things black and white

Melvyn sat head in his hands looking at the sea
bored so bored as bored can be

When Huginn enquired if all was well
or was there something to Odin that he should tell.
 No I’m just bored I don’t know what to do
I want to be famous like Muninn and you.

To be a true god he would have to be, let me see
An inventor of forces or of chemistry
Then you might be useful like Muninn and me”

Chemistry what can that be,
is it something easy and simple for me?”
You might be good at it if you only tried”
said Huginn that knew he already had lied.
Melvyn was inspired at the encouraging word
and thought he’d do chemistry or something absurd

Many rocks and salts due to expire
He threw in his new toy that he called fire

A noise outside then caused him alarm
Was it a travelling god that could do him some harm?
All the rocks and the salts due to expire
Along with the stuff that made things like fire
Threw all in a source pan is what he did
Then with all force he screwed down the lid.

The god flew past not stopping to see
If anything was in the cave by the sea
He was too busy carrying his load
To hear an old source pan about to explode
Before Melvyn could take off the lid
The source pan exploded and Melvyn just hid

The cave came alive with sparkling light
Produced three colours novel and bright
The sparkling colours of red yellow and blue
Poor Melvyn was at a loss just what to do

If Gods were annoyed they would have him slaughtered
So he washed all away with dull salty water
But as the water rushed out his cave
What ever it touched some colour was saved

And so as the water flowed in and out of the cave
more colours escaped with each passing wave.
Each drop of water passed the colour on to the next
all water drops now beautifully convect
although each drop of water is crystal clear
if you pass a light through it all the colours will appear.
Huginn and Muninn flapped around trying to push colour back
and soon every colour of the rainbow stuck to their back.
If they returned to Odin like this they would take the flack
so they cast a spell to turn themselves back to black,
the only things in the world that were black

The colours flowed onward spread by the sea
Was this an improvement did all gods agree?
Not all were impressed not Odin I fear
That promised to clout the young god round the ear

No” said Freya it’s a gift you will see
Does red really look that good on me
Frigg a goddess whose virtue so true
Said does my bum look too big in blue?

Then up popped Aegir as mad as can be
Said whose been playing with my dark sea?
My dark waters of black marine
Some one has turned into blue and green
This colour thing I'm not really keen
My one eye’s dark blue and the other light green

Astrid the goddess of love from her slumber
Looked at the colour of her little black number
I loved my black dress it was my delight
Went perfectly well with accessories white
Now there’s no Black or shades of grey
What was wrong with black, is all I shall say

They called for Baldur the god of peace
And asked if he could make this colour thing cease
Alas, colour is here, it won’t go away
But I could just add black white and grey

Thor alarmed said they should ration
This colour thing that was now fashion
Odin smiled his knowing smile
This will occupy the ladies for more than a while
While they decide what colour to wear
That goes with their nails and colourful hair

The male gods could go hunting, race round and do war
Battle dress and camouflage is what colour is for
Bright medals with ribbons and silver galore
Rank, status and order something else to explore

All gods seem happy with their colour display
Expect Melvyn the bored who was in dismay
When only school uniforms like his remained grey

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