Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Gransel and hetal

Gransel and Hetal a troublesome pair
Antisocial with malicious flair
Bunked off school hid in the wood
With no intention of being good
Breaking branches ring barking trees
Vandalism with perfect ease
Then sweet sounds they were hearing
From a gingerbread house in a clearing
At the forest edge they sat
When Gransel said “I’ll ‘ave some a that”
Greedy eyes and his tummy did rub
They had missed their breakfast club
Too busy eating the delicious walls
They failed to hear creeping foot falls
Of a wicked witch with evil intention
Now employed for truant prevention
What a pair of thugs I've got
She said putting them in the pot
With Ear of bat and eye of newt
She’d cook up something cute
Stirring slowly spells incantation
With a twist of imagination
A puff of smoke before you know
They were sent to school at Harrow
What of these thugs were they improved?
In the upper circles they now moved
Not a bit they are having fun
In the stock exchange where real crimes done

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