Friday, 12 November 2021

COP 26 parade

COP 26 is ending

there will be a parade

to celebrate the triumphs

and concession that they made

from the Micronesian islands

the crowd wait patiently

there will be nowt parading

there're submerged beneath the sea

from Europe in the costumes

of dirty brown and blood

thinking of the last year

all seems fire and flood

from the river Ganges

where pilgrims love to bathe

come bloated corpses of livestock

they weren't able to save

California with its fire

Alaska soaring heat

but they still drill for oil

buried beneath your feet

here comes the angry youth

with photographs to scorn

of the corrupted politicians

with catch phrase well worn

the conference didn't achieve much

the excuses come with ease

as the world press watched astounded

the camouflaging of sleaze

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