Monday, 4 May 2020

rat and seagull

Said the sea gull to the rat
wistfully looking round
are there any scraps of food
in the whole town to be found

alas said rat its lock-down
that's what the papers say
those humans can not go out
to throw their food away

there is no tasty fish and chips
no burgers in a bun
no sausage rolls from Greggs
to thrive and feast upon

the throwaway folks are stuck inside
making do and mend
spending hours on the phone
to granny and a friend

they are all doing baking
cakes from yesteryear
cakes baked for austerity
tastier than they appear

you must hold out a bit longer
do pacing more discreet
soon pubs and bars will be open
supplying vomit for the street

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