Tuesday, 5 November 2013

what do you see

What do you see, when eyes are closed
Trying to sleep at night
Uncertainty and cowardice
Those demons that you fight
Or the fire of the explosion
That took the right eyes sight
Trusting faces of dying men
convinced that you are right
What do you see?

Destructive jokes and snigger
done behind a cruel hand
Mission statement by the planners
you could not understand
The ambush on the open road
forced you to make a stand
Dead that stay with the living thought
were once yours to command
What do you see?

The importance of the hem length
the colour of the year
Hearty comfort and perception
found in strong drugs and beer
Crowded streets of dread and tension
and lonely roads of fear
Rages and the long silence spells
shut out those once were near
What do we see?

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