Thursday, 7 November 2013

idiot hunter

You should have a hobby in your spare time
Get out more and stop writing rhyme
You should be more like me you know
Always on the hunt always on the go

What is that you do that keeps you fit”
I hunt for idiots and love every bit
Idiot hunting that I’ve not heard
To me that hobby seems pretty absurd”

The collectors international association
That collects idiots from every nation
They catalogue and write about so free
Their intrinsic logical stupidity

What is an idiot how can you tell?”
They talk in cliques not very well
They always brag about driving fast
Good times that were had in the past
Sporting facts they can quickly relate
Dismantle cars on their first date
Buying fast food to save washing up
Drinking brandy from a tea cup
Spending most nights in a garden shed
Trying to fix a mower passed as dead
Has intricate knowledge of parking lots
For classic cars they have the hots
Freely give unasked for poor advice
Most descriptive word used is nice

Why is my friend looking at me?
All’s well that ends well apparently
At the end of the day all being equal
Discussing Ford Cortina’s and the sequel
Two hours from Edinburgh to Newcastle
Could be faster but would be a hassle
Parking in Newcastle I could go on for hours
Lacking multi-storey car parking towers
My friend is leaving his visit overdue
I advise don’t do anything I wouldn't do
My friend’s ticking boxes and smiling with glee
I think the idiot hunter’s just bagged me

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