Friday, 29 November 2013

yo ho ho

Yo ho ho said Santa
to the poor boy on his knee
what shall we bring to you
whisper it to me
I want my mum to be healthy
go to work and be able
to stay fit for a working day
to put food on the table
I want to have some heating
affordable for us all
with out a rip off meter
that eats money on the wall
decent rented housing
would certainly lift the gloom
as long as we aren't penalised
for an extra room
I would like some open spaces
where I can safely play
and my dad to earn every year
what a banker earns a day

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

approved bankers presents

There is trouble in the North Pole
recession is on the move
so Santa is giving presents
that only bankers would approve

if you have rich parents
that have money to invest
you will get all you want
on your sixteen page request

if you have poor parents
with no prospects of getting better
you will pay for your presents
and be charged for your letter

if you are the middling sort
hard working in endurance
you will get bugger all

but be sold no gift insurance

Monday, 25 November 2013

busy people

they walked passed his window

he watched them come and go

the busy busy people

hurrying to and fro

too busy to watch the stars above

or watch the flowers grow

those busy busy people

nobody wants to know

those busy busy people

trying to live and sell

walking past the ground floor flat

without a front door bell

nobody knocked on the door

to check if all is well

now there are accusation

reporters want to tell

too busy people didn't look

till the corpse began to smell

Thursday, 21 November 2013


In the square a Harlequin
made up gaudily
dancing for the public
moving easily
telling jokes and silly rhyme
singing silly songs
about bad politicians
and dreams that went wrong

he sang of mass corruption
of bankers and their greed
he sang of bulging orphanages
inmates in desperate need
he sang his most heartfelt song
of how life could be
so they arrested him and tried him
and hung him from a tree

Thursday, 14 November 2013

sparky signal

Sparky arrived and bowed his head
In his hand a signal read
The captain told him to read aloud
Sparky started with head bowed
Your wife has died the signal said
How should they now treat the dead?
Should she be interned in the ground?
With a noble headstone found
Or was his wish to be cremation
With ashes scattered to the nation
Was it his want in memory?
To have his wife buried at sea

The captain stood with knowing glances
Do them all……….., take no chances

Thursday, 7 November 2013

idiot hunter

You should have a hobby in your spare time
Get out more and stop writing rhyme
You should be more like me you know
Always on the hunt always on the go

What is that you do that keeps you fit”
I hunt for idiots and love every bit
Idiot hunting that I’ve not heard
To me that hobby seems pretty absurd”

The collectors international association
That collects idiots from every nation
They catalogue and write about so free
Their intrinsic logical stupidity

What is an idiot how can you tell?”
They talk in cliques not very well
They always brag about driving fast
Good times that were had in the past
Sporting facts they can quickly relate
Dismantle cars on their first date
Buying fast food to save washing up
Drinking brandy from a tea cup
Spending most nights in a garden shed
Trying to fix a mower passed as dead
Has intricate knowledge of parking lots
For classic cars they have the hots
Freely give unasked for poor advice
Most descriptive word used is nice

Why is my friend looking at me?
All’s well that ends well apparently
At the end of the day all being equal
Discussing Ford Cortina’s and the sequel
Two hours from Edinburgh to Newcastle
Could be faster but would be a hassle
Parking in Newcastle I could go on for hours
Lacking multi-storey car parking towers
My friend is leaving his visit overdue
I advise don’t do anything I wouldn't do
My friend’s ticking boxes and smiling with glee
I think the idiot hunter’s just bagged me

Children's prayers

Around the world before they sleep
Little children in prayer they creep
A conversion between god and child
In supplication gentle and mild

Please God save mum daddy and me
From islands concerns for rising sea
In African drought and poverty
Children pray for food constantly

From rich lands you would expect joy
Habitually ask for the latest toy
Old building for orphanages used
They pray for ending of the abuse

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

what do you see

What do you see, when eyes are closed
Trying to sleep at night
Uncertainty and cowardice
Those demons that you fight
Or the fire of the explosion
That took the right eyes sight
Trusting faces of dying men
convinced that you are right
What do you see?

Destructive jokes and snigger
done behind a cruel hand
Mission statement by the planners
you could not understand
The ambush on the open road
forced you to make a stand
Dead that stay with the living thought
were once yours to command
What do you see?

The importance of the hem length
the colour of the year
Hearty comfort and perception
found in strong drugs and beer
Crowded streets of dread and tension
and lonely roads of fear
Rages and the long silence spells
shut out those once were near
What do we see?

a present for Sammy

Laying on the ground
outside Sammy mouse's door
is a large blue shiny orb
that’s not been seen before
It wasn't there yesterday
or the day before

slug says its a present
so fine it has no flaw
must have come from far away
not seen on this shore
a gift for something Sammy did
many years before

Snail said it was carried
must have been by coach
a coach so rich and glistening
the poor folk can't approach
so it must travelled by night
so the poor could not encroach

hedge hog said it had a guard
to clear peasants from the road
with Hussars and lancers
said the helpful toad
it must have travelled over sea
by ship and carefully stowed

it must have had an armada
of escorting craft
said the helpful water vole
not meaning to sound daft
a present from an emperor
from rich lands over sea
for an act that Sammy did
I wonder what it could be

Then Sammy opened his door
his friends wanted to know
what he did for an Emperor
so many years ago
then down flew a black bird
took her egg and flew away
it was not present for Sammy
just an egg that went astray