Tuesday, 11 October 2022

matter machine

Those masters of science

and technology

have produced a matter machine

so all matter is free

all matter can be collected

from the colectinary

a word used by GW Bush

in his dictionary

the replicators will be local

not more than a mile away

although everything is free

for being local you must pay

then there is a fee for insurance

against failure and disruption

what us all folks remember

and still call corruption

there is of course a tariff

it is what tariffs are for

politicians keeping control

to engage in trading war

there is customs and excise duty

a simple donation

you can't control smuggling

without this creation

there must be corporation tax

accountants all agree

to stimulate the slush fund

in tax havens over seas

there is a new matter tax, distribution tax

and local taxes where you 're at

royalties for the copyright

and not forgetting Vat

alas the idea is wound up

and the scientist gone to ground

for a wooden spoon you make for free

will now cost five thousand pound

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