Sunday, 9 January 2022

Corona virus what do we know?

A species jumper, from bats to pangolin, to pigs to humans. Also highly infectious to cats.

First discovered in China, a virus of concern because like other viruses it mutates on each new transmission, and has the ability to defeat the human defence mechanism.

It affects the respiratory tract, also the digestive tract making the symptoms variable

Tests are available to detect for infection

Some vaccines have been developed with a variety of efficacies

The dominant strain in the UK is the Omicron variant, a highly infectious strain that is possibly less fatal than previous strains.

The advice from the World health Organisation is test test test. Try to isolate, to avoid transmission.

Vaccinate to assist in preventing transmission. It is not over until it is controlled everywhere. The more people infected the more mutations. No one country is safe until all countries are safe. This is a pandemic, it is not over yet

In the UK we have a government that the population no longer believe.

They blame the scientific advisors, and do not heed the advice in time.

Hospitality, that is not tax payer funded, is more important than the health service, that is.

The elite and young believe they are immune.

3 vaccinations are believed to be effective. The vaccines have an efficacy of between 30% to 90% depending on who told you. In general 60 to 70 % is believed to be effective against most viruses.

This means between 25 to 30 million people are recipients for a mutating virus in the UK.

We are not testing tourist before they leave the departure point. Tourists are not quarantined , but told they must Isolate until they have tested negative for 7 days. In which time they travelled from Air port or ferry port, freely mixing with the population until they reach their destination. They are not tested for a new variant.

In the meantime we have religious fundamentalist that are anti vaccination. They are bold and aggressive , maliciously targeting health campaigners and celebrities.

Government backbenchers are anti mask wearing.

Government backbenchers are anti vaccination.

Government backbenchers are pro business.

Government backbenchers are against public services and want free enterprise in all things. They want more denationalisation, including the NHS

We have Boris Johnson as Prime Minister and a cabinet of Brexiteers

What do you think 2022 will bring?

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