Wednesday, 17 March 2021

paddy's day at Cheltenham

 Because it was a special day

they thought about the pub

the Guinness the Bushmills

and all the lovely grub

but being in lock down

and not been let out yet

they thought about the racing

and thought they'd have a bet

Begora say Patrick

I think we'll have a go

the three thirty an Cheltenham

seems quite a show

there's Boris, and there's Matt

Liz Truss and Sunak

Jenrick, Eustice Raab

and more they could back

the race was for a furlough

with a handicap of mistakes

and all the runners dressed in blue

for the covid lockdown stakes

the horses went in the starting blocks

the starter raised the gun

all was back stabbing and positioning

before the race begun

get ready said the starter

a punter loudly said

shoot the fecking jockeys

tis a joy to see them dead

the gun went bang and they were off

there was no leading pack

thinking some one was to blame

they all headed back

the horses were busy grazing

the jockeys simply shrugged

so there will be a stewards enquiry

to find which had not been drugged

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