Wednesday, 5 February 2020

the grave digger

In the pub warm and snug
Drunk on too much beer
They listen to the ghostly tales
Popular this time of year
As the pub lights grow dim
The whispering story enfolds
About the old grave digger
Whose body now lies cold
His body it was found last week
And what a terrible sight
There was a line across his neck
But he had died of fright
Around his neck some finger marks
His chest was laid bare
Lying on his dishevelled bed
With bulging eyes that stare
Load of trash the young man said
A stranger to the town
You wouldn’t stay in his old house
The challenge was put down
A bet I hear the young man said
A wager it would be
To spend a night in the old house
And the horrors he will see
Into the house the young man went
At the ending of the day
The door behind him was locked
And the town folk walked away
The wood was damp no fire glowed
The room was cold and chill
Sitting in the rocking chair
The bed would make him ill
He soon dropped off to sleep
In the rocking chair creaking
Then came the loud strange noise
Between a scream and speaking
On the bed he was transfixed
It seemed to beckon him
As if the horrors of the night
Were about and closing in
On the bed he saw a shape
It took on human form
Walking to the bedside glow
That was getting warm
A hand shot up around his throat
And dragged him on the bed
He was struggling for his life
With something far from dead
Around the neck of this fiend
Of murderous incline
There was a stone on string
He grabbed and made a line
Twisting pulling at the string
The demon began to choke
He felt he was winning
And then the string broke
Grabbing hands on the throats
In unison they went
Who would be the survivor?
Of this ghostly torment
The hands upon the young mans throat
Eased and he broke free
As he collapsed upon the bed
In survival ecstasy
The morning bright and early
The town folk did return
To see if the young man had fled
And the wager they would earn
They found the man lying
Face down upon the bed
Sobbing so incoherent
Not sure what he said
Who was the old gravedigger?
Describe how he appeared
A man showed him a photograph
He had seen before he feared
The young man took his wager
As the experience did unravel
Cursing all the demons
Playing with time travel

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