Friday, 13 November 2020

Mole and Ratty

"good morning Mr. Ratty"
"Good morning Mr Mole"
"I hope you found it useful
the information that I stole"

"Alas I shall be leaving
the end of yearish date
need to leave a sinking ship
before it's far too late

they've been looking to all corners
trying to explore
where all the money went
that you and I adore

They said we were incompetent
which tended to annoy
not as bad as they are
for it was we that they employ

the crack pot and the misfits
the greedy and corrupt
they had no complaints
when in our trough they supped

I shall have a small pension
and kept a diary in detail
useful for the Telegraph
and the Daily Mail

Alas my dear Mole
I am a rat at large
so could you please direct me
to that weasel Farage"

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