Monday, 20 February 2023

Nicola Bullen search.

what stands out is motivation. Police told to check the rivers, is not a motivational search instruction.  Actively talking of abduction and walking out on the family, turns a proper search into a tick in the box exercise, that no one believes will find anything.

A person in a river has two scenarios.
 One scenario is the casualty will be carried by a fast current down stream to the sea.
 The other is the casualty will be snagged on river junk. 
The search covered none of the scenarios adequately. 
Know area of junk in a river will take more staff to search not just a sonar. More humans less reliance on technology would have helped. It is a bit like doing a coastal search and excluding the back of Dunstanburgh Castle because all the sea junk ends up there.

Motivational search plan should be , we are searching for a casualty trapped in river junk. The sweep width is an arms length. You will get your feet wet, and take a roll of cordon tape to deploy when you locate clues. Not we will deploy divers with sonar so check the river bank.

search teams can learn a lot from this incident, run through all that could have gone wrong, and make plans they do not happen on any of your searches.

poor management will say we will wait for the results of an enquiry before making changes, thus history will repeat!

Thursday, 9 February 2023

Church of England and LBGT community

Heard a Bishop explain the C of E view on LBGT. They are trying to be accommodating! One half of the church say it's a sin and all LBGT should not be endorsed by the church, whilst the other half will tolerate LBGT in the church and forgive their sins!

Under the law of the land the eleventh commandment is thou shalt not discriminate.

If the church can not abide by the law it should be taxed out of existent, Missionary work banned and no religious education taught in schools . No state funding to teach bigotry.

Just to remind those that say they must observe scripture. The bible was written by brown eyed people with dark skin and hair. Sexual proclivity was the only difference.

Once the church encountered blonde hair blue eyed and Asian characteristics a whole new ball game of bigotry was available.

Religion has bestowed on mankind, programs, the inquisition, witch burning, and years of senseless religious wars.

The church has no moral position to uphold