Sunday, 22 May 2022

A banker

A banker with his squillions

in his favourite spot

sipping champers with his friends

on his private yacht

showing off his art collection

and antiques that he's got

his money is traded during the day

and at night will accrue

by sacking his employees

and closing branches near to you

nothing mean or personal

it's just what bankers do

he pays for politicians

to Davos he will go

tell them to keep him rich

and prosperity will flow

unlike the jungles and rainforest

polluted and will not grow

even though incompetent

and motivated by greed

he is what we aspire to

a example of what we need

sacked still has a large pension

the bailed out bank has agreed

Big Brother universal credit

Welcome to Big brother universal credit.

Following unpopular poll ratings Government Ministers have agreed to spend a month on universal credit in the big brother house. Each minister has been given £10 on the electric metre and new electrical gadgets unlike what normal universal credit claimants start with. To help out with advice is Alice. She has been on universal credit since the lockdown. She was an office cleaner but has found it difficult to find a functioning office to work in

The Ministers are settling in, unpacking and ready to start the trial.

That's Boris out of power, he tried to charge his phone. That will cost him dearly with the electric metre on the wall. Electricity is more expensive for the poor, than the rich that pay direct Debit.

Gove has unpacked and has all his clothes on the bed. He must have done this before as a student. Extra clothes on the bed can reduce heating costs. Oh no. He has put the clothes away, silly move.

Priti Patel has unpacker her laptop plugged it in and settling down to do some snooping. She too is out of power and gone out to find a cheap café. Good luck with that.

Anne Marie Trevelyan, not use to living in one house has gone out. As Trade Secretary she hopes to get a good bribe or a free meal. She really is that cheap, and blatant.

Rishi Sunak has unpacked, checked the cupboards and found no sugar. Gone to borrow a cup at the cost 3 cups for every cup borrowed. If he fails to repay the cost goes up and the heavies pop round. In the Big Brother house you can't get interest free credit or access to a bank or credit card.

Dominic Raab, proving to be one of the lads will cook from scratch vegetables and cheap fatty meat.
Clever lad he has made enough for the week, but the fridge is out of power and it will be off by the morning. No affordable freezers in the big Brother house.

Liz Truss has become accustom to high living on expenses, has gone to dine out with a friend. She was handed a bill. Never had one of them before. She is spending the next two days in A&E, where she will receive cheap unhealthy food, supplied by a contractor that bought her a swanky meal in good times 

Alice has returned home after spending the afternoon on the circular line reading a book. Her evening meal is white bread, lard and jam. The lard is kept fresh in a bucket of water instead of using the fridge. She has changed into her night wear. Of two pairs of pyjamas and gone to bed. The bed is loaded with coats and clothing. She uses the last rays of sunlight to read her library book. No one has spoken to her.

Night night all

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

leveling up trickle down

Those financial government backers

that believe in choice

they can now afford

a brand new Rolls Royce

those that make the Rolls Royce

the finest British car

they can now afford

a brand new Jaguar

those that build the Jaguar

with parts from abroad

working loads of overtime

they can buy a Ford

those that build the the ford

that promise not to strike

they can get around

on a ten gear bike

those that build the bikes

wear posh trainers on there feet

so they can run faster

than muggers they may meet

Friday, 6 May 2022



Looking at the silver screen

pleasure to unfold

the beauty all in yellow

has been booked and sold

a handful symmetrical shaped

for handling in the dark

deep inside a crevice

for the passion to spark

arms alluring and delicate

hidden power there

uncovered and shining

naked and bare

yet sensitive to a gentle touch

of the manipulator

nothing but tractor porn

of a Combine Dominator